Byzantium (1 point)

 Byzantium is a new kind new kind of Vampire movie that does not follow many of the similar styles of the past. First of all, the Vampires in Byzantium are not as powerful and impressive as classic style Vampires. They do not have the fangs and do not bite into their victim's necks. They do not possess super speed or hypnotic abilities. They do not change shape, and they do not have another true form. But what these Vampires do have is a nail that lengthens into a claw, which they use to pierce flesh and drink blood.

The story itself itself seems to be addressing a real life issue. In the story, we see a mother who was terribly mistreated and abused, as is her daughter. This is often the case in real life, women suffering at the hands of men. However, throughout the movie, we see the strength of the mother and daughter. By the end of the movie, the mother becomes a complete force of nature. Perhaps the movie did not focus so much on the supernatural and impressive Vampire qualities because it wanted to address other issues, such as the horrors women face, while still containing some of the few Vampire elements it did to make for an interesting story. 


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