Frankenstein (6 points)

The story of Frankenstein is a classic novel today that has many gothic elements. However, the gothic element I would like to focus on for this writing is the monster. The monster created by Victor Frankenstein contains the characteristics of what defines a monster; large, ugly, and frightening. I will just quickly add that although the monster is often portrayed as ugly, Victor had sought to beautify it by giving it long luscious black hair, and other fine features as he could. But the monster was a monster nevertheless. The monster in Frankenstein is interesting, because it did not just go rampaging the moment it was created, it tried to communicate with him. But instead of dealing with the issue at hand, Victor was so frightened that he ultimately fled. The monster, not having any moral sense, does kill people, especially those close to Victor with almost like a childish response. The monster's very existence and the choices it makes are consequences of Victor's naive desire to act as God. 


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