The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (4 points)

 This is a very unique story not only for the story itself, but in how it is told. The story of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a bizarre tale. But what makes this story so fascinating is the perspective. The story is being told through the perspective of a friend of Henry Jekyll, Mr. Utterson, a lawyer. The focus of the story does surround Dr. Jekyll, however there is no proof right away of his affliction due to the perspective. Even though Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are the points of interest, the perspective of Mr. Utterson leaves us almost fully unaware of the happenings of the two individuals because he does not see right away what is happening. He only notices strange behavior from Dr. Jekyll and the strange encounters with Mr. Hyde, a man of significantly different a build from Dr. Jekyll. It is only near the end of the story that a letter from Dr. Lanyon reveals what is happening with Dr. Jekyll. Furthermore, the final pages of the story reveal more perspective from Dr. Jekyll himself. He was a man of strange fascinations who worked to concoct a potion, one that altered his being. But, as I said, it was the outside perspective that leant such mystery and suspense and horror because we could not see the transformations and we could not see behind the doors belonging to Dr. Jekyll until we read his account. This manner of telling the story leaves a lasting impression, at least for me, because it has me pondering the full story and each of the character's accounts. 


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