The Dark Crystal (1 point)

 The Dark Crystal is a classic, although it is often overlooked. Perhaps the most impressive thing about the movie is the world building. The Dark Crystal features creatures and places not of this world. There are Gelflings, Mystics, Skeksis, Garthim, and many more. All existing in a new and imagined world. The story itself features a Gelfling, Jen, who embarks on a mission pressed upon him by a mystic. However, his journey does sway side to side and sometimes begins to seem like it is forgetting the plot. Jen meets another Gelfling, Kira, and faces off against the Skeksis, ultimately his mission is a success. 

Although the audience generally agrees that the movie might seem slow, the movie contains so many new creations, from the creatures to the environments. Even the plants are bizarre and unique to that world. These elements expand the realm of fantasy immensely. Before there were creatures such as dragons, elves, dwarves, etc, all common in fantasy. But now there are new additions with Skeksis, and Gelflings.


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