Labyrinth (1 Point)

 Labyrinth is a cult-classic film that is often over-looked, but indeed adds much to the world of fantasy. Often described as a coming of age story, it tells the story about a girl who is frustrated with her circumstances at home, and she wishes a character known as the goblin king, to take her little brother away. She ends up feeling like she made a mistake, and so she goes on a quest in a fantastical world to get her little brother back. 

The story greatly, maybe too perfectly reflects individuals from life, perhaps everyone, as it shows a character trying to discover what they want in life. In this story, the girl simply wants to exist unbothered, perhaps reveling in her childhood. However, she is a teen who is getting older, and has to face certain changes. Her exploration in the labyrinth seems to be more so discovering what she wants in life and how she approaches things. Basically she gets over a hurdle and discovers herself. 

The story itself is really a very deep complex aspect of life. It is brought to life using fantastical creatures. There is the Goblin King, goblins, and many other strange creatures, some are specifically Henson creations. Perhaps the greatest thing about Labyrinth is the story, but also the fact that it does add new creatures to the world of fantasy with it's creatures. It is these characters and the rich story that really establish itself as fantasy, also expanding the borders of what defines fantasy.


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